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The Best Of Maison et Objet 2018: Top 20 Design Moments

The Best Of Maison et Objet 2018: Top 20 Design Moments

Maison et Objet 2018 is over. After months of preparation, all the exhibitors had the opportunity to show the visitor what their brand is made of. Today we have selected the best moments that truly reminds us why we should celebrate design together! This trade show was full of amazing luxury brands with different approaches to design, however, we must emphasize the work behind the hands of the “makers”. Hand-made furniture is the way to do it, and the most unique pieces comes from our hands. We hope you enjoy this moments and stay tuned to the next trade shows that will take place thru ought the year.

The Best Of Maison et Objet 2018: Top 20 Design Moments

The Best Of Maison et Objet 2018: Top 20 Design Moments

Maison et objet 18

Maison et objet 18

Maison et objet 18

The Best Of Maison et Objet 2018: Top 20 Design Moments

Maison et objet 18

Maison et objet 18

Maison et objet 18

The Best Of Maison et Objet 2018: Top 20 Design Moments

The Best Of Maison et Objet 2018: Top 20 Design Moments

The Best Of Maison et Objet 2018: Top 20 Design Moments

Maison et objet 18

Maison et objet 18

Maison et objet 18

See also: Ultimate Modern Chairs Trend at Maison et Objet

Maison et objet 18

Maison et objet 18

Decorative Pillows

Maison et objet 18

Maison & Objet Paris comes to a close. For the design world, this biannual fair is the biggest event of the season. And as has been proved time and time again, the designs exhibited on the fair tend to have continuing and serious effects well past the event’s end date. That is why we give you the moments that will not be forgotten in this year´s event.

Decorative Pillows

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